Monday, 21 May 2012


Hello world (and in particular, other libraries/librarians participating in 23 Things)!

To introduce ourselves: we at the OUH libraries have decided to initiate a collective 23 Things blog featuring a collection of both our individual and mutually pooled thoughts.

We are the NHS Library in the Oxford University Hospitals Trust, as opposed to the OUH Trust libraries which form part of the Bodleian Library system - the Bodleian Health Care Libraries. We operate on two separate sites, at the Nuffield Orthopaedic Centre in Headington, Oxford and the Horton General Hospital in Banbury - being cross-site ensures a regular daily flurry of emails between us as we liaise and present a seamlessly functioning exterior!

We hope that you will forgive the fact that we've decided to pool our thoughts, and have decided to consider the Things more from a library-wide perspective, rather then as they affect each individual librarian, but we may lapse into individual consideration as well.

Those contributing thoughts will be:
Manager: she, ahem, is the manager of the libraries.
Outreach: who is, to continue stating the obvious, our Outreach Librarian
Assistant B: who works at both sites
Assistant K: works part-time at one site
Assistant A: works full-time at one site, and will be the main voice behind these blog posts.

We are hiding behind pseudonyms partly so (especially new) readers will always be instantly aware of the role behind the thoughts, and partly... well, that will become clear in our 'branding' post'.

Finally, we're sorry to join the party so late, and we may well have to post about four blog items in our first week to catch up with the field! Feel free to stop by and say hello, link this to your blog or to express your thoughts however you wish!

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